Who killed the CBD Revolution?

November 2023 Newsletter

Who killed the CBD Revolution?


In the mid 1990’s researchers found novel receptors on cells throughout the body that appeared to be connected to the brain, autonomic and sympathetic nervous systems, the gut, endocrine, and the immune systems. Ultimately, they identified signaling molecules that functioned within this new system, and because these molecules activated known cannabinoid receptors, they called this vast network the endocannabinoid system or ECS. The signaling molecules made by the body (mostly derived from essential fats like EPA and DHA) were called endogenous cannabinoids, whereas plant-based compounds (derived mainly from hemp) are referred to as exogenous cannabinoids. Most of the research on exogenous cannabinoids has focused on THC and the non-psychoactive molecule called CBD or cannabidiol.

This led to an explosion of research around the world. As of this writing, more than 5,000 English language studies have been published, exploring everything from plant genetics (e.g., developing strains with higher levels of CBD) to processing technologies and of course health and wellness benefits. These relate to CBD’s anti-inflammatory activity and its role in stress management, sleep quality and pain management.

Note: For more information about the endocannabinoid system (ECS) please go here:

Nano CBD – Single


With an inexpensive and safe plant-based compound with centuries of medicinal use, providing a raft of health benefits documented in biomedical journals, you would imagine that the impact in the health and wellness market would be revolutionary. It has not. So, who killed the CBD revolution?

1. Scammers and scoundrels

The natural products industry has – since the beginning – been plagued by an enormous amount of dishonesty. I’ve written extensively on the reasons for this, but primarily, it has to do with a simple fact: Health is – for most people – their # 1 priority. And lacking an advanced degree in one of the biological sciences, people are easily swayed by a variety of hucksters, liars, and well-meaning cranks.

What’s more, whenever a significant health science advance occurs, there is always a period of confusion, which makes scamming easy. CBD is a discreet molecule that is measurable. But it was marketed for years in imprecise ways. You can still find products on the internet called “CBD-rich Hemp oil,” and for years, that was the way most CBD products were pitched. The term is meaningless because it does not tell you how much CBD is in the product. You could buy a gallon of hemp seed oil for about $35, add a dropperful of CBD, call it CBD rich hemp oil and sell it for $50 per ounce… or more if you get a celebrity to endorse it.

Ultimately, through persistent efforts by trade organizations like the National Cannabis Industry Association, quality standards were developed. But not before hundreds of thousands of customers bought low-potency products that did not work, creating headlines around the world that CBD was a bust.

2. The FDA

The Farm Bill, passed by congress in 2018, essentially legalized non-psychoactive compounds from hemp, like CBD, CBN and CBG. This was a tremendous breakthrough because it moved CBD from the gray area into the light of legitimate commerce. But the celebration was short-lived, as the FDA said, “Not so fast. We just approved CBD as a drug for the treatment of juvenile epilepsy, and we don’t see how a compound can be both a drug and a nutritional supplement.”

NOTE: The FDA had already figured this out with a raft of products like prenatal vitamins, fish oil, DHEA, melatonin, vitamin A, Niacin, and potassium. But to this day, they have not issued any guidelines regarding CBD. No regulations about labeling, purity, potency, or suggested use.

3. The Banks

Literally days after the FDA announcement, banks began to cancel merchant services for any business selling products containing CBD. At the time, this was a multi-billion-dollar industry, on the verge of rapid and consistent growth. What’s more, hundreds of research projects were scrapped as investors and universities feared legal action.

4. Social Media and YouTube
Days after having our merchant service canceled, YouTube turned off our channel.  228 videos disappeared, only 4 of which mentioned CBD. Following that, FaceBook canceled our ad campaign and made it impossible for anyone to link to our website. That ban still exists.

In the face of such sweeping draconian measures, scores of CBD companies folded. We launched My2048.com which offered all our products except CBD and switched to an e-check shopping cart for TheHealthySkeptics.com. At the same time, we stayed connected to world leaders in CBD research, and found that in addition to the low-potency problems, people in general were under-dosing, even with quality products. Why? The cost. If the most effective dose was two dropperfuls, a 30 mL (1 oz) bottle would only last 10 or 15 days. The breakthrough came when researchers used nanotechnology to reduce the particle size to about 100 nanometers, which made the material water-soluble, and boosted the potency. We were the first to offer Nano CBD, with a guaranteed potency of 3,000 mg CBD per bottle. That’s six times the potency of conventional oil tinctures, and the water-soluble material delivers benefits faster.

This solved the cost issue because the effective dose was 6 or 10 drops, meaning that a bottle would last most people 6 weeks. See: How to find the Optimal Dose of Nano CBD below.

November Special:

Save 10% on Altea Nano CBD

  • 1 Bottle at Retail is normally $69, Sale through December 15th $62.
  • 1 Bottle Member price $55. Sale price: $49


  • Two-pack Retail is normally $124. Sale price: $111.
  • Two-pack Member price is $99. Sale price: $89.


How to find the optimal dose and time to take Altea Nano CBD

The benefits of CBD derive from its ability to bind to endocannabinoid receptors throughout the body and brain. Because we all make cannabinoids, (mostly from essential fats like EPA and DHA) there is no dose that works for everyone. It appears, for example, that people who supplement with fish oil (an excellent source of EPA and DHA) may need a lower dose of CBD to achieve health benefits, while people who do not eat fish or fish oil may need more. In addition, the synthesis of cannabinoids from EPA and DHA varies from person to person and declines with advancing age.

Saying that, here’s what we’ve learned from CBD research and feedback from our Healthy Skeptics Members.

Most people were under-dosing. By 2019, it was clear that our high-potency gelcaps (each providing 30 mg of CBD) were out-selling our tincture (15 mg CBD per dropperful) almost two to one. People using higher doses were getting better results, especially in regards to chronic pain, anxiety and sleep quality.

The addition of Altea Nano CBD, introduced in November 2021 has produced a wider range and faster delivery of benefits. There are two reasons for this:

Unequalled potency. Altea’s Nano CBD is six times as potent as conventional CBD oil tinctures. Nine drops of Altea Nano CBD provide 30 mg of CBD.

Improved bioavailability. Nano processing creates a particle size so small that the material becomes water dispersible. Thus, faster and greater absorption, as well as greater distribution to tissues throughout the body.


*Determining your optimal dose and timing of Altea Nano CBD requires some experimenting. Here are some guidelines based on your health goals. Remember that it is best to add Altea Nano CBD to water or another beverage, rather than trying to measure a specific number of drops directly under your tongue.

People dealing with chronic pain generally benefit the most from 10 to 15 drops three times a day.

For improved sleep quality, start with 6 drops at bedtime. Add a few drops to that dose until you experience best results.

For anxiety, human clinical trials have shown that a single dose of 200 to 300 mg of CBD right before a stressful event (e.g., public speaking) worked better than a low dose (100 mg) or a very high dose of 600 mg.

For general well-being, many of our VIP Members are reporting best results with 10 to 15 drops at bedtime and another 10 drops mid-morning on an empty stomach.

Please share your Nano CBD story with us, so we can provide more information on this exciting product. Send to:



For more information, and to order Altea Nano CBD, go here:


Nano CBD – Single



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