A topical CBD, Aloe and Vitamin A cream, was developed primarily for acne, and has proven to be remarkably effective. We have, however received exciting reports from people with more serious skin issues, and thus CannaRadiance 2.0 with nearly double the CBD and increased Retinol (Vitamin A).
CannaRadiance 2.0 is for any spots your doctor has told you to “keep an eye on.” These are areas, often where there was sun damage or acne in your teens, that can now transform to something more serious. When a doc says, “let’s keep an eye on these areas,” they want you to tell them if the spots change color, or their appearance changes in any way. Are they getting more red? Is the shape changing or do they feel “deeper” when you press on them? But what frustrates many people is when you ask the doctor what you can do NOW to prevent them from getting more serious, the only advice is “Stop smoking, use sunscreen, use an umbrella at the beach and avoid tanning beds.” All that is good advice. We’re just suggesting that there is now something more you can do. Apply CannaRadiance 2.0 at least once a day, and increase your intake of antioxidant fruits and vegetables.
A: We increased the CBD almost twofold. Each 10 mL applicator contains 250 mg of broad spectrum hemp oil, standardized to 180 mg of CBD. We also increased the retinol (vitamin A) to 25,000 iu per applicator.
Let The Therapy Begin!
NOTE: If this unique skin therapy product was available on Amazon, it would sell for $99 or more. We offer this product for $39.95, and with your Healthy Skeptics membership, the cost is only $29.95 with FREE shipping.
Trouble Spots?
CannaRadiance Can Work Fast!



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